Sacramento River Temperature Task Group |
The purpose of the Sacramento River Temperature Task Group (SRTTG) is to provide advice to Reclamation on managing water temperatures downstream of Ce… |
Sacramento River Temperature Task Group |
The Removal of Saeltzer Dam on Clear Creek: an update |
In October 2000, Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt and California Secretary of Resources Mary Nichols joined in a symbolic ceremony to begin the… |
Upper Clear Creek Sediment Budget |
The Upper Clear Creek Watershed lies within the Klamath Mountains geological province, which is made up of a number of arcuate, concentric lithic belt… |
Western Shasta Resource Conservation District |
Upper Clear Creek Wildfire Defense Plan |
In October of 2000, a Fuels Committee assembled to look at what could be done to decrease the threat of destructive wildfire burning in the watershed.… |
Western Shasta Resource Conservation District |
Upper Clear Creek Project FUEL |
In Project F.U.E.L., the Western Shasta Resource Conservation District created four shaded fuelbreaks using different methods of cutting, processing, … |
Western Shasta Resource Conservation District |
Upper Clear Creek Watershed Fuel Inventory Report |
The upper Clear Creek watershed lies just east of the Trinity-Shasta County bounday and extends from the Whiskeytown Dam to the headwaters of Clear Cr… |
Western Shasta Resource Conservation District |
Upper Clear Creek Erosion and Sediment Strategy and Erosion Inventor |
The Upper Clear Creek erosion inventory was accomplished by leveraging funds from two grants. The Clear Creek Prescription grant No. 99-N16 from CALFE… |
Western Shasta Resource Conservation District |
USFWS Benefits of Increased Minimum Instream Flows on Chinook Salmon and Steelhead |
Increased minimum flows were provided in Clear Creek from October 1, 1995 to May 3, 1996 to increase and improve fish passage, and spawning, incubatio… |
USFWS Spawning Area Mapping for the Clear Creek Restoration Program, 2000-03 |
Spawning area mapping was conducted on a 4.8 mile section of Clear Creek from 2000 to 2003 to monitor spawning habitat use by fall Chinook salmon (Onc… |
Sarah L. Giovannetti, Jess M. Newton, and Matthew R. Brown / USFWS |
USFWS Spring Chinook Salmon Monitoring in Clear Creek, California |
Spring Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, are listed as a threatened species under the federal Endangered Species Act. Restoration actions on C… |
Upper Clear Creek Watershed Analysis Nov98 |
U C C Watershed Analysis Nov 98
Watershed analysis is a procedure used to characterize ecosystem elements within a watershed (Regional Interagency E… |
USFWS Juvenile Chinook Habitat Use 2003 |
USFWS Juvenile Chinook Habitat Use 2003: Fisheries Evaluation for Phase 3A of the Lower Clear Creek Floodway Rehabilitation Project |
Lower Clear Creek Area Strategic fuels Reduction Plan Update 2010 |
The Fire Agencies of the Lower Clear Creek planning area intend to assess progress annually and invite agencies and landowners to submit additional pr… |
Western Shasta RCD |