The Sulphur Bank Mercury Mine site is located at the southeastern end of the Oaks Arm of Clear Lake. The Superfund site also includes the Elem Tribal …
Clear Lake Mercury TMDL Report
Clear Lake was added to the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List of Impaired Waterbodies for mercury in 1988. The listing was based upon high levels of…
The Capay Valley Waershed Stewarship Plan is a project and program guidance document for the Cache Creek Watershed Stakeholders Group.
Lower Putah Creek Watershed Management Action Plan Phase IResource Assessments
This is a dynamic WMAP that landowners and other stakeholders can use as a framework and that will be updated with new information and new ideas to im…
Lower Cache Creek Resources Management Plan
On June 14, 1994, the Yolo County Board of Supervisors adopted draft goals and objectives for the Cache Creek Resources Management Plan (CCRMP) and Of…