Clear Lake Monitoring Data |
Water Quality monitoring data from 3/2/2005 to 1/23/2018 |
Northern Region Office, Water Quality (DWR WDL) |
Consideration of a resolution approving an amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Valley Region to establish a Total Maximum Daily Load for nutrients in Clear Lake |
Clear Lake is listed on the federal Clean Water Act (CWA) 303(d) list because it does not meet water quality standards. Elevated nutrient concentratio… |
State Water Resources Control Board |
Sulphur Bank Mercury Mine Superfund Site : Interim Construction Work Begins |
On November 1, 1999 contractors hired by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACE), through a contract with the United
States Environmental Protection Ag… |
Cache Creek, Bear Creek, Sulphur Creek, and Harley Gulch Mercury TMDL Report Card |
US Environmental Protection Agency |
Clear Lake Mercury TMDL Report Card |
US Environmental Protection Agency |
Clear Lake Mercury TMDL Update |
California Environmental Protection Agency and Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board |
Colusa Basin Watershed Management Plan 2012 |
The Colusa Basin Watershed is located in Northern California and lies mainly in Colusa County, with portions of the watershed spanning areas of Glenn … |
Mary Fahey, Colusa Basin Watershed Coordinator, Colusa County Resource Conservation District, in cooperation with stakeholders of the Colusa Basin Watershed |
Clear Lake Mercury TMDL Implementation Report 2015 |
Clear Lake is located in the Coast Range in Lake County,
California, about 60 miles northwest of Sacramento. It is a shallow, eutrophic waterbody com… |
EPA , Central Valley Water Board |
Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins for the Control of Nutrients in Clear Lake |
Nuisance algae blooms impair beneficial uses in Clear Lake, which is in violation of the narrative basin plan objective that states "water shall not c… |
State Water Resources Control Board |
Historican and Present Distribution of Chinook Salmon in the Central Valley Drainage of California |
The vast expanse of the Central Valley region of California once encompassed numerous salmon-producing streams that drained the Sierra Nevada and Casc… |
Ronald M. Yoshiyama, Eric R. Gerstung, Frank W. Fisher, and Peter B. Moyle |