OVERVIEW PROJECTS DOCUMENTS PHOTOS SRWP 2010 Roadmap Report Photos Coleman National Fish hatcheryUpper South Fork Battle CreekCoyote in Battle Creek grasslandsFall-run Chinook in Battle CreekSouth fork Battle Creek near the town of MineralLower Battle Creek near Coleman HatcheryLower Battle Creek near the Sacramento RiverPG&E Battle Creek hydropower operationsSouth fork Battle Creek canyon landsSouth fork Battle Creek at Battle Creek Meadows near MineralBattleCreek-BattleCreek-100-LowerBattleCreekDisplay tank at the Return of the Salmon FestivalSalmon captured for artificial spawning at Coleman Fish HatcheryWild grapes in Battle Creek riparian areaBLM area, stock water and recreation pondAnnual Salmon Festival at Coleman Fish HatcheryBattle Creek Watershed, foothill rangelandBattle Creek Habitat Improvement ProjectRanch lands in Battle Creek WatershedUSFWS salmon counting station on Lower Battle CreekSpringtime in Battle Creek Watershed, wildflowers, oaks, and stock water pond