31 |
Yuba County Foothills Community Wildfire Protection Plan |
The purpose of this document is to provide a comprehensive, scientifically based assessment of the wildfire hazards and risks within the Yuba County F… |
06/13/2018 |
32 |
Consumes, American, Bear, Yuba (CABY) IRWM Region 6 |
Consumes, American, Bear, Yuba (CABY) IRWM Region 6 |
06/13/2018 |
99 |
Yuba County IRWM Region 46 |
01/23/2017 |
171 |
Upper Yuba River Watershed Chinok Salmon and Steelhead Habitat Assessment |
The results of this report indicate that the analyzed habitat and temperature conditions in the upper Yuba River watershed are capable of supporting a… |
08/31/2012 |
184 |
Yubashed.org |
"YubaShed" organizes data sets and bibliographical information (including all the information that has informed this report) to allow scientists, deci… |
08/31/2012 |
187 |
A 21st Century Assessment of the Yuba River Watershed |
Developing a comprehensive and detailed scientific assessment of a watershed of the size and complexity of the Yuba Basin would be an ambitious exerci… |
08/31/2012 |
196 |
Conservation Assessment for the Yuba River Watershed Foothills |
The Trust For Public Land (TPL), through its Sierra Nevada Program, has for years implemented conservation actions to protect the natural, scenic, and… |
08/31/2012 |
202 |
The Effects of Sediment and Mercury Mobilization in the South Yuba River and Humbug Creek Confluences Area, Nevada County, California: Concentrations, Speciation, and Environmental Fate- Part I: Field Characterization |
This report documents the methods and results of field investigations during 2007 through 2009 in the region of the
SYR-HC confluence, to 1) character… |
08/31/2012 |
205 |
Stormwater Management in the Yuba River Watershed |
This project retrofit busy parking lots in front of the Nevada County Administrative Center and Library using Green Infrastructure technologies with t… |
08/31/2012 |
207 |
South Yuba River Comprehensive Management Plan |
Because of historic and continuing human uses, there are significant management needs that must be dealt with in the Plan. These include the need to i… |
08/31/2012 |
217 |
Lower Yuba River Issue Assessment Report |
This report is broken into three sections: the first summarizes the interview findings, the second presents the analysis of the findings, and the thir… |
08/31/2012 |