OVERVIEW PROJECTS DOCUMENTS PHOTOS SRWP 2010 Roadmap Report Photos Ranch road erosion, a potential Cow Creek sediment sourceLower Cow Creek near the town of Palo CedroFoothill oak and rangeland, with Mount Shasta backdropWhitmore Falls, natural fish barrierOak hardwoods and annual grasslandLower Cow Creek at Dersch RoadCaltrans Highway 299 bank protection projectUS Postal Service, WhitmorePG&E Kilarc ReservoirLivestock grazing in Cow Creek WatershedCow Creek Watershed cattle ranchRiparian vegetation on lower Cow CreekFoothill oak and rangeland in the springFish passage problem (Millville irrigation dam on Clover Creek)Successful Cow Creek deer hunterCow Creek Watershed conifer uplandsSeasonal low flow in North Cow CreekConcentrated livestock, a potential source of bacteria to Cow CreekPG&E hydropower operations, Kilarc PowerhouseDecember 2008 flood flow in North Cow CreekChannel erosion, a common watershed problemBasset Irrigation Diversion DamFilamentous algae growth in North Cow CreekOld Cow Creek near Millville