Lake Almanor Water Quality Data |
Lake Almanor Water Quality Monitoring Data 1998 to 2017 |
Northern Region Office, Water Quality (DWR WDL) |
Lake Almanor Watershed Plan |
The Lake Almanor Basin is located at the intersection of the Sierra Nevada and Cascade mountain ranges in northeastern California. The basin forms th… |
Sierra Institue for Community and Environment |
Feather River Resource Conservation District Strategic Plan 2016/17 |
Our mission is to advocate resource conservation through education and collaborative efforts with willing landowners and organizations that promote th… |
Feather River RCD |
Effects of Meadow Restoration on Stream Flow in the Feather River Watershed |
The impetus for meadow restoration projects, such as “pond-and-plug” treatments, in North Fork Feather River watersheds came from a desire to reduce s… |
J. Hoffman, K. Roby, B. Bohm |
MS-37 AlmanoR Basin Solid Wastewater Treatment Plant |
This project will be the first phase of a two ‐ phase project. This phase
is to develop an integrated, basin‐wide solid waste and wastewater
managemen… |
Upper Feather River IRWM/LAWG/ Maidu Summit Consortium/Sierra Institute |
California's Groundwater Bulletin 118 - Lake Almanor |
The Lake Almanor Valley Groundwater Basin is located along the northwest
shore of Lake Almanor and consists
of Quaternary lake deposits and
Pleisto… |
Lake Almanor Area Municipal Service Review |
Prepared for the Plumas Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo), this report is a regional municipal services review—a state-required comprehensive … |
Policy Consulting Associates LLC/Plumas Local Agency Formation Commission |
Lake Almanor Water Quality Report 2015 |
A water quality monitoring program for Lake Almanor was conducted during 2015, combining the protocol used by California Department of Water Resources… |
K.R. Gina Johnston, Scott McReynolds/Lake Almanor Watershed Group |
Lake Almanor Country Club Community Wildfire Protection Plan |
Objectives of this Community Wildfire Protection Plan:
To create a platform to work from in order to identify
comprehensive land management planning … |
Lake Almanor Country Club Firewise Committee |
Feather Watershed Safe to Swim Assessment |
Since 2007, the Central Valley Water Board has conducted Safe to Swim monitoring each summer. Recreation beneficial uses are assessed using E. coli as… |
Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board |
2011 Lake Almanor Review Survey of Water Quality Trend Analysis and Recommendations |
At the head of the North Fork of the Feather River in Plumas County sits California's third largest reservoir, Lake Almanor. An idyllic mountain setti… |
Upper Feather River Watershed IRWMP |
Upper Feather River Watershed Integrated Regional Water Management Plan, Volume 1 |
Ecosystem Sciences Foundation Statement |
Upper Feather River IRWM 2016 Update |
Between 2014 and 2016, the stakeholders and water managers of the Upper Feather River watershed worked together to develop an Integrated Regional Wate… |
Upper Feather River Regional Water Management Group and Stakeholders of the Upper Feather River Watershed |
Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group Pilot Project |
The primary purpose of the Pilot Project is the implement and demonstrate the effectiveness of resource management activities proposed by the Quincy L… |
US Forest Service |
Located on the eastern edge of the Sierra-Nevada crest (Mohawk Ridge), the Sulphur Creek watershed abuts the headwaters of the North Yuba River to the… |
The following Revegetation/Reforestation Monitoring Report fulfills the requirement for the annual 2000 report and final report specified under Pacifi… |
Pacific Gas and Electric Company , Hyrdo Generation Department |
Feather River Coordinated Resource Management Watershed Monitoring Pilot Project: Trend Analysis Approach Sierra, Plumas, and Lassen Counties, California |
Numerous watershed restoration activities have occurred in the Feather River watershed in recent years. The Feather River Coordinated Resource Managem… |
Plumas Corporation |
Feather River Coordinated Resource Management Pilot Watershed Monitoring Program 319(h) Clean Water Act Grant Final Report |
In 1997, a Clean Water Act 319(h) granted was awarded to the Feather River Coordinated Resource Management (FRCRM) group to develop a Pilot Program fo… |
Plumas Corporation |
Feather River Coordinated Resource Management Watershed Monitoring Program- 2007 Report |
FR-CRM is continuously collecting data throughout the Upper Feather River Watershed. Annual hydrographs of six Continuous Recording Stations (CRS) ma… |
Plumas Corporation |
Feather River Coordinated Resource Management Watershed Monitoring Program- 2008 Report |
The 2008 Water Year (October 1, 2007- September 30, 2008) was the second year of the current drought in the Feather River Basin, with only 68% of norm… |
Plumas Corporation |
Feather River Coordinated Resource Management Watershed Monitoring Program- 2010 Report |
This report tiers to Feather River Coordinated Resource Management (FRCRM) group monitoring reports from 1999 through 2009. The 2010 Water Year (Octob… |
Plumas Corporation |
Feather River Coordinated Resource Management Watershed Monitoring Program 2011 Report |
This report tiers to Feather River Coordinated Resource Management (FRCRM) group monitoring reports from 1999 through 2010. The 2011 Water Year (Octob… |
Plumas Corporation |
Feather River Coordinated Resource Management Watershed Monitoring Program 2012 Report |
This report tiers to Feather River Coordinated Resource Management (FRCRM) monitoring reports from 1999 through 2011. The 2012 Water Year (October 1, … |
Plumas Corporation |
Watershed Monitoring Report - Upper Feather River Watershed Water Year 2013 |
The 2013 Water Year (October 1, 2012 - September 30, 2013) was a below-average water year; the second below-average
year in a row. Data from the Cali… |
Plumas Corporation |
Integrated Regional Water Management Plan |
The Upper Feather River Watershed is part of the northern Sierra Nevada mountain range. The tributaries of the Upper Feather River flow sout… |
Ecosystem Sciences Foundation |