25 |
Mercury and the Sacramento Watershed |
Management Objectives: To identify elevated levels of mercury in fish tissue, reservoirs,… |
Sacramento River Watershed Program |
06/25/2018 |
34 |
Combie Reservoir Sediment and Mercury Removal Project |
The Combie Reservoir Sediment and Mercury Removal Project (hereafter referred to as the Project) is a water supply maintenance project that removes se… |
Nevada Irrigation District |
06/13/2018 |
35 |
Get The Mercury Out Campaign |
The Sierra Fund’s “Get the Mercury Out” campaign works to increase public funding for the cleanup of legacy mines in the Sierra, in an effort to preve… |
The Sierra Fund |
06/13/2018 |
37 |
Central Valley Mercury TMDL Program |
Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act requires states to develop a list of impaired water bodies and a priority ranking for addressing impairments. Th… |
EPA , Central Valley Water Board |
06/12/2018 |
59 |
Sulphur Bank Mercury Mine Superfund Site |
The Sulphur Bank Mercury Mine site is located at the southeastern end of the Oaks Arm of Clear Lake. The Superfund site also includes the Elem Tribal … |
05/16/2018 |
92 |
Clear Lake Mercury TMDL Report |
Clear Lake was added to the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List of Impaired Waterbodies for mercury in 1988. The listing was based upon high levels of… |
01/23/2017 |
93 |
Delta Tributaries Mercury Council |
The diverse stakeholders interested in and impacted by mercury contamination in the Delta and its tributaries have organized to create a forum 1) for … |
Delta Tributaries Mercury Council and Sacramento River Watershed Program |
01/23/2017 |
95 |
Statewide Mercury Control Program |
Mercury is negatively impacting the beneficial uses of many waters of the state by making fish unsafe for human and wildlife consumption. Although mer… |
01/23/2017 |
181 |
Deer Creek Watershed Mercury Survey |
The ultimate goal of this study is to locate and quantify mercury sources in the Deer Creek Watershed in order to isolate concentrated hotspots that c… |
08/31/2012 |
202 |
The Effects of Sediment and Mercury Mobilization in the South Yuba River and Humbug Creek Confluences Area, Nevada County, California: Concentrations, Speciation, and Environmental Fate- Part I: Field Characterization |
This report documents the methods and results of field investigations during 2007 through 2009 in the region of the
SYR-HC confluence, to 1) character… |
08/31/2012 |
257 |
Lower Clear Creek Mercury Synthesis Data Summary Report 2005 |
Mercury Synthesis and Data Summary Report for Lower Clear Creek |
05/06/2012 |
322 |
Lower Clear Creek Area Mercury Geochemistry |
The purpose of the document is to report on the concentrations and specification of mercury sediments, tailings, and water in the lower Clear Creek ar… |
05/06/2012 |
456 |
Mercury Geochemistry of Gold Placer Tailings, Sediments, Bedrock, and Waters in the Lower Clear Creek Area, Shasta County, California – Report of Investigations |
The purpose of this document is to report on the history, issues, findings and conclusions of mercury and methylmercury in Gold Placer tailings, sedim… |
05/06/2012 |