OVERVIEW PROJECTS DOCUMENTS PHOTOS SRWP 2010 Roadmap Report Photos Irrigation tailwater discharge to Fall RiverSnow geese in the valley‘The round barn’ recently restored in Fall River MillsDowntown Fall River MillsWet meadow in Bear Creek drainageRiver bank vegetation prevents erosionFall River turbidityHomes on Lower Fall RiverFall River trout fishermenFall RiverBank erosion from muskrat borrowsHomes on Eastman Lake (headwaters of the Little Tule River)Fall River rainbow troutPrivate residence on Fall RiverInvasive milfoil in lower Fall RiverFall River Valley during high spring runoffBear Creek, tributary to Fall RiverFall River near the confluence with Spring CreekIrrigation tailwater discharge to Fall RiverPG&E Pit 1 diversion (from above)Fall River near the confluence with Spring CreekMount Shasta and the Tule RiverMedicine Man Spring on Upper Fall RiverControlled watering access protects river bank habitatFall River near the confluence with Spring Creek