Sacramento River Temperature Task Group |
The purpose of the Sacramento River Temperature Task Group (SRTTG) is to provide advice to Reclamation on managing water temperatures downstream of Ce… |
Sacramento River Temperature Task Group |
2016 Sacramento River Temperature Management Plan |
The SRTMP represents a focused effort by Reclamation to develop a balanced approach to management of the limited cold water pool in Shasta Reservoir d… |
US Bureau of Reclamation |
Survey of Zooplankton Community Structure and Abundance in Agriculture-dominated Waterways in the Lower Sacramento River Watershed |
Water column toxicity in California agriculture-dominated waterways is almost always associated with
Ceriodaphnia dubia (an indicator zooplankton spe… |
Victor de Vlaming , Kevin Goding , Dan Markiewicz , Robin Wallace , and Robert Holmes |
What caused the Sacramento River fall Chinook stock collapse? |
In April 2008, in response to the sudden collapse of Sacramento River fall Chinook salmon (SRFC) and the poor status of many west coast coho salmon po… |
S. T. Lindley, C. B. Grimes, M. S. Mohr, W. Peterson, J. Stein, J. T. Anderson, L. W. Botsford, , D. L. Bottom, C. A. Busack, T. K. Collier, J. Ferguson, J. C. Garza, A. M. Grover, D. G. Hankin, R. G. Kope, P. W. Lawson, A. Low, R. B. MacFar- lane, K. Mo |
Archival and acoustic tags reveal the post-spawning migrations, diving behavior, and thermal habitat of hatchery-origin Sacramento River steelhead kelts (Oncorhynchus mykiss) |
Acoustic and geolocating archival tags were deployed on steelhead kelts to study their post-spawning migrations, diving behavior and thermal habitat. … |
Steven L.H. Teo, Phil T. Sandstrom, Eric D. Chapman, Robert E. Null, Kurt Brown, A Peter Klimley, Barbara A. Block |
Lower Sacramento River/Delta North Region Regional Flood Atlas draft |
The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) has launched the
Regional Flood Management Planning effort to work with local entities to… |
California Department of Water Resources |
Benthic Macroinvertebrate Colonization of Artificial Substrates in Agriculture-dominated Waterways of the Lower Sacramento River Watershed |
Bioassessment data alone cannot identify cause(s) of water quality impact or impairment on aquatic ecosystem biota (beneficial uses). A primary objec… |
Robert W. Holmes ,V. de Vlaming ,D. Markiewicz ,K.Goding |
Sacramento River Watershed Program A Quantitative Framework for Reference Site Selection: Case Study from the Sierra Nevada Foothills Ecoregion December 2002 |
As part of its program to evaluate water quality in the Sacramento River watershed, the multi‐agency Sacramento River Watershed Program (SRWP) has
col… |
Ode, Peter R. |
Grazing as a Management Tool on the Sacramento River Floodplain |
Kelly Moroney and Joe Silveira |
Amendments to the 1994 Water Quality control Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins |
The Basin Plan is in a loose-leaf format to facilitate the addition of amendments. The Basin Plan
can be kept up-to-date by inserting the pages that … |
California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region |
Sacramento River Conservation Area Forum Handbook |
The Riparian Habitat Committee developed this Handbook to guide an implementation program for riparian habitat management along the Sacramento River, … |
USBR Lake Shasta Virtual Tour |
virtual-tour.pdf |
The Pelagic Organism Decline (POD) in the Upper San Francisco Estuary and Implications for the Sacramento River Watershed |
The Interagency Ecological Program (IEP), a consortium of nine state and federal agencies, has been monitoring fish populations in the San Francisco e… |
Ted Sommer, Rich Breuer, Anke Mueller-Solger / California Department of Water Resources |
Water Quality Monitoring in the Sacramento River Basin |
Sacramento River Basin waterways historically were
used as places to dispose of contaminants. The practice dates back at least to the gold rush era o… |
Sacramento River Watershed Program |