(Above) Sample screen from graphing facility in the new portal.
The Sacramento River Watershed Portal will give users access to the extensive water monitoring data, studies, reports and articles on the Sacramento River Watershed. Users will be able to compile maps and graphs to better visualize data collection results and answer questions about the watershed. SRWP is working with a knowledgeable group of project partners and other stakeholders representing regulated dischargers, water managers, state and federal agencies, NGOs, and tribes to inform decisions regarding the content, design, and functionality of the portal. This effort is part of SRWP’s long-term program to improve watershed health by providing accurate, timely, and graphic information about the Sacramento River Watershed.
A great deal of time has been spent on identifying, locating, and assessing available water quality-based information in order to identify thresholds for addressing key management questions relative to potential water quality issues. SRWP with support from 34 North and key stakeholders has compiled data sources and retrieved existing reports, GIS layers, photos, and other relevant information from multiple sources and started developing the portal layout including installing and setting up the software, templates, and the server to begin importing and integrating data and information. We also created a survey instrument to gather information about stakeholders’ current data needs and monitoring practices. The information collected from these various forms of stakeholder input is being applied to articulate management questions, access relevant information, and develop the portal so that it provides the best available insight about water quality and environmental conditions in the Sacramento River Watershed.
Stakeholders interested in the development of the Sacramento River Watershed Portal and watershed monitoring activities within the region are encouraged to attend quarterly Monitoring Committee and Portal Development Meetings.