Pit River Watershed

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Hat Creek

The Watershed at a Glance

The Pit River Watershed includes all waters tributary to the Pit River from its headwaters in northeastern California near the Oregon and Nevada border to the confluence of Lake Shasta. Individual rivers and streams in this watershed vary greatly in their characteristics and the aquatic resources they support. Some are managed largely for agricultural irrigation supply, and others are among the state’s most notable wild trout waters. Because of their differing attributes, management issues, and management programs, the following subwatersheds within the Pit River Watershed are described and discussed individually:

Management Issues: wild trout, forest health/fuels management, aquatic/riparian habitat, water quality, water  supply, erosion/natural stream function, invasive species

Pit River Watershed within the Northeast Subregion


Hydrology In the Pit River Watershed


Vegetation types in the Pit River Watershed


Land use in the Pit River Watershed


Land ownership In the Pit River Watershed